Tag Archives: holiday

Shabbat – Our Weekly Holiday

When most people think of holidays, they think of annual celebrations, but we, Jewish,  have one holiday that occurs every week – the Shabbat.  Known in Hebrew as Shabbat and in Yiddish as Shabbos, this holiday is central to our life. As the great Jewish writer, Adad Ha-Am has observed: “More than the Jewish people have kept […]

The significance of the Hanukkah Menorah

The significance of the Menorah Hanukkah, the eight-day festival of light, begins on the eve of the 25th of Kislev. This holiday celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. For more on the holiday, check out our post here. The lighting of the Hanukkah Menorah (nine-branched chandelier) is a symbol of light chasing away the forces of […]